Now I know how Wolverine feels!!!

Physio  done, Staples out and a rather long walk….I’m Shattered!

So, Yesterday, Pippa took me to my Physio appointment. I had a nice young bloke called Peter. He was very professional, and it seemed like he knew about Hip Resurfacing or, had at least done some research so that lifted my confidence in him straight away!

It took about 20 mins of questions and testing the movement in my hip, seeing how I walked with both, one and no crutches (that last one surprised me!) and then he took me over a few basic exercises to help me strengthen the stabilizing muscles around the hip. He also pointed out that I was still walking with a “limp” and showed me how to start to correct that. This may take some time as I have been walking with a limp for quite a while!

Then it was off to the Rushcutters for a meal with Pippa’s family as it was her mum’s Birthday. This was the first outing we have had since the op, and I

even managed to put some trousers on! the meal was nice and the company even better, the only problem I had was I had to get up every so often as my hip would start to become uncomfortable, This just meant I had to walk about every half hour or so and then it was fine again.

Last night tried to go the whole night without waking again, but didn’t quite manage it, I made it to 05:30 today though so its getting better!

This morning I had an appointment at my Doctors Surgery to have my Staples taken out. the surgery is about half a mile away so, I decided to walk it! It took me nearly half an hour using both crutches, but I have to say my

hands hurt more than my hip did and I was rather pleased!

The nurse called me in and I gave her the extractor tool that the hospital had asked me to pass on. This is where today’s title comes in…. I now think I know how it must feel for Wolverine every time he gets his claws out and puts them away again! It wasn’t exactly painful, (a few were but most weren’t) but it was uncomfortable…. The good thing is that the wound is

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healing well and in a few days I should be able to have a shower without worrying about getting it wet!!! that will be BLISS!!

The walk home was also pretty good and again, my hands hurt more than my hip (when will they make crutches comfortable??) but I could feel the strain in the muscles by the time I got in! I sat  down       for a bit with my leg raised and found myself nodding off! I think the walk really took it out of me!

All in all another good day and tomorrow I get to pick up my puppy Alfie so nothing can make that day bad!!!

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