Time to reduce the pain meds!

We had a busy day yesterday, with lots of visitors… Unfortunately they were for Alfie… Not me….

During all the visits etc I completely lost track of my pain med schedule, so I missed pills here and there (no important ones just pain relief) and realised that my pain wasn’t “that bad” so today I have decided to try lowering my doses, especially the Dihydracodine … (It’s making toilet breaks pretty difficult…) so we will see how that goes!

Getting around with only 1 crutch is getting easier although my leg does seem more stiff than before in the mornings, I suppose t is the resulf of using it more and doing the exersises my physio gave me.

Its been just over 2 weeks since the operation now, and I’m feeling OK about my recovery. The stitches are out, the wound is looking pretty good. movement and flexibility re getting better each day and I’m hoping soon I will be able to put my own socks on….

I wont rabbit on too much about Alfie but, it is nice to have him arround during the day! I feel like we hsve bonded well and he keeps me entertained. (its just a shame that he keeps me and pipa awake most of the night with his whining….)

Time for a little nap now to try and recharge these depleted batteries…

2 thoughts on “Time to reduce the pain meds!

  1. Ellie says:

    Hi Matt, I was wondering if your physio offered you hydro theopy to help with the stiffness I know when I had my knees done it helped me loads. Xxx

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