This time …It’s Paranoia!!!!

Things are pretty much the same here today. The leg is still swollen and sore and movement is getting a tiny bit better by the day. My Nan has been to visit today and brought me Grapes and Cookies which is always nice!!(Thank you Nan!)

Last night however, was a little different. Pippa Slept in the spare room because she is not sleeping well next to me (she is scared of clonking me one in her sleep…wouldn’t be the first time!!) and I wake her up every time I need the toilet, or need to take more pain meds etc.

Pippa went to bed before me as she was shattered so when I went up, she was already asleep in the spare room. She had laid out the bed for me, got my water and pills ready and even put my pilllow that I use between my legs (I have to use it to stop me crossing my legs in my sleep) within reaching distance! As I got into bed though, I felt an eerie feeling of paranoia come over me… this horrible feeling that something either wasn’t right or was going to happen.

I laid in bed for about half an hour not able to sleep due to this feeling until I eventually fell into a light wary sleep. I woke up again about 1 hour later with the feeling still there, and an even more pressing one in my bladder. I got up to go to the toilet as quietly as I could, trying not to wake up Pippa who was sleeping next to me (she wasn’t…. I’d just forgotten she was in the other room!). On the way to the toilet I found myself looking behind doors and into shadows, like I was expecting someone, or something to be there…

I went back to bed and struggled to get back to sleep. and when I woke up this morning, the feeling was gone and everything was peachy!

I don’t know why this happened, and I’m definitely not normally a paranoid person…Again all I can think to put this down to, might be the medication that I am on… I have lowered my Morphine use and am using a different brand of Dihydrocodine (my original prescription ran out) so maybe that is it….

Has anyone else experienced the things I have so far due to meds? Vivid dreams, Nightmares, Paranoia? Or could this all just becoincidental or just my minds way of dealing with it all?….. Whatever it is, Ill be glad when it all stops and I can get a regular nights sleep!

One thought on “This time …It’s Paranoia!!!!

  1. Donniboo says:

    I get weird dreams and night time paranoia sometimes, when my brain is trying to deal with stuff. Or it might be the meds…

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