Turns out, I’m not Superhuman…. :(

I may have gone into this operation with slightly more optimism than was perhaps advisable…..

Before this operation, I was researching as much as I could about the recovery periods – what I should be expecting to be able to do, and when. The problem was there was no information for someone my age!

Most of the information out there is aimed at 70 year olds, and I instantly thought  “well we can slash those recovery times! I’m much younger and fitter than them!” the thing I didn’t realise is there is a flip side to being young and fit….

As I think I have mentioned before, the operation took longer than expected, and they had to make a larger incision because of the amount of muscle in my thighs and bum…. This, I think is what is causing me problems! The hip-joint itself feels fine and there is more and more movement available from it every day but, the muscles in my thigh and bum are killing me!

It feels like every morning I am woken up with the school bully, ready and waiting with his leg cocked back, then swung through with all his force giving me the dead leg of the bully’s lifetime!  This “Dead Leg” pain is pretty constant and the morphine just about holds it at bay.

I know I have only been out of the operating theater a week, but for some reason I am disappointed with my recovery. I feel like I should be further on and should have less pain by now.. but that’s just me….

I do this to myself in everything that I do, be that DIY, an errand that needs to be run or a challenge I set for myself. I always think I will get things done quicker than in realty is possible… I don’t know if this is a good or a bad thing… on one side, I am disappointed when I miss my targets but on the other hand I am always optimistic with things to come…

Should I stay optimistic? or become a realist and see things with a bit less rose tinting???

6 thoughts on “Turns out, I’m not Superhuman…. :(

  1. Andy Hood says:

    Hey !! great comments from Emma !! Take stock from her experiences and hopefully next time the grass needs cutting, you will be able to do it in your own methodical way??? Keep your outlook optimistic and positive…….. you can recover once your body starts to heal!! Love you x Dad x

  2. Steve Woody says:

    Nice Blog Matt, Im sorry to hear about the troubles that you are facing but your a fighter and will make a speedy recovery I am sure.

    With regards to setting the bar high, I do the same. Its good with regards to always pushing yourself above and beyond but without balance in your life there will come a time where you start to turn against the very thing that motivates you. I would suggest setting these “high” standards but also accompany them with some “slightly” smaller achievable standards and make sure that when you hit them you reward yourself and acknowledge the effort. That way you get the best of both worlds. In my opinion.

  3. Jamie McCluskey says:

    Try to remember that you have a lot of support around you and as difficult as you find it take up some of the offers of help !!! Oh and no golf for 8 weeks. I’m here for you if you need anything.

  4. Jackie says:

    Aww bless ya Matt, you sound as though you’ve been having a rough time of it, first time I’ve been able to get on this blog thing for some reason ( might be the fact that I’m blooming useless at this stuff lol) Like you’ve said it has only been a week and I remember my brother Andy being not so good for the first couple of weeks, but picked up well and then recovered and was back at work way before he had expected!!! not as young as you I know but about 45, which is still young for a replacement. You keep optimistic Matt, just a little set back xx

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